Fan Wallpaper for Windows

You may view these files by simply clicking on the thumbnail images. If you wish to use one of them as Windows wallpaper,
right click the full sized image while being displayed, then select "Set as Wallpaper".
Click the images below for the full sized version.

Worhol Junior

worholjr.jpg Is a "Andy Worhol" style montage that Larry Cedar made.
It can be used as a wallpaper in Windows. 791 x 791pixels (261k)


tankside.jpg which is a great close up that Terry Fisher took of his 12" Westinghouse.
It can be used as a wallpaper in Windows. 1014 x 762 pixels (131k)


westtank.jpg Is a close up of a Westinghouse pierced logo from Terry Fisher's 12" "tank" motor.
It can be used as a wallpaper in Windows. 1023 x 767 pixels (123k)


fanwall.jpg Is an assortment of cage badges, predominately fans from Emerson Electric.
It can be used as a wallpaper in Windows. 1105 x 884 pixels (341k)


screwon.jpg is a AutoCAD drawing Chuck Brandt did for the Emerson blade removal article.
It can be used as a wallpaper in Windows. 1024 x 768 pixels (28k)


parker.ani which is an animated cursor of a spinning Parker blade. You can assign it to one of the cursors using the mouse control panel. I use it instead of the hourglass to indicate that the computer is busy.
Click here to download this (4.5k) file.